Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunshine Award 2011...

Yay for awards! Sandra from sternchenslove gave me this beaut. If you don't already follow her you definitely need to check out her blog! She is seriously one of the sweetest girls! Thanks Sandra =)

The Sunshine Award is given by bloggers to bloggers as a way to spread the bloggy love.
The rules:
- Thank the person who gave you this award.
- Write a post about it.
- Answer to the questions below.
- Pass it on to 10 bloggers who you think really deserve it and send them a message to let them know.

The questions:

01. Favorite color: 
Pink and black, but not together :)

02. Favorite animal: 
Turtles (not including my kitties of course!)

03. Favorite number: 

04. Favorite non-alcoholic drink:  
Water, I'm just an H2O type of girl.

05. Facebook or Twitter? 

06. What’s your passion?  
Make up, obviously, and nail polish.

07. Getting or giving presents? 
love both (I agree Sandra!)

08. Favorite pattern:
Can't say that I have one.

09. Favorite day of the week: 
Any day that I don't have to wake up early the next morning =)

10. Favorite flower: 

Since this is called the Sunshine Award, I decided to pass it on to blogs that make me happy! Which right now, are nail polish blogs & a few other special blogs that I have really been enjoying!

And the award goes to...

1. Sabrina of The Beauty Look Book - Sabrina always has posts on the newest products and amazing swatches and comparisons!
2.Savvy of Addicted to Polish -She has amazing pictures and swatches of polishes! Brands like China Glaze and OPI, to Sally Hansen and other drugstore polishes.
3. All Lacquered Up -If you want super close-up swatches and dupes of polishes u NEED to check out this blog!
4. AllYouDesire -Again, great up close photos, comparisions and dupes!
5. Emilie Clarke - I just love this girl! She makes awesome youtube videos (which is how I found her) and does some really great blog posts on tons of different beauty related stuff.
6. Enamel Girl - Seriously this girl is SO inspiring when it comes to doing fun stuff with your nails!
7. Karris of Karrisx - She is another person I found on youtube. Karris is so sweet and I'm just so excited for her to have her little nugget! Super happy for her and the hubby =)
8. Scrangie of Scrangie.com - Another blog with AMAZING polish swatches. She also mixes it up and does some makeup posts too!
9. Annabelle of VivaLuxury - Annabelle is seriously gorgeous. No joke. She also has an amazing sense of style and does tons of OOTDs. Oh, and I would die for her handbag collection!!
10. Sandra of The Puzzle of Sandra's Life - She does lots of different kinds of posts. I especially love the collages she does of outfit ideas!

Congrats everybody!



  1. Thank you so much for the award! :)


  2. for fashion Lovers like you :
    please comment and follow!
    love the blog!
    thanks! xx

  3. TOTALLY with you on #9 lol. Congrats on the award!

  4. Wow great blog lovely :) xx


  5. Your blog is adorable!


  6. Ahh we are similar in some regards! My favourite number is 3 and favourite flowers are Lily's :) - & recently tulips also!!

    Congrats on the award.

    Anna xo


  7. I love these things! I love finding new blogs to look at and to follow! I'm always looking for great advice!


I always love reading your comments!!