Monday, August 15, 2011

'Monday's Obsession!'

I know I have been sort of MIA since moving to South Dakota, I've just been busy! In the last couple weeks I have: started a new job, applied and signed up for classes, and unpacked and organized an entire household, and so much more misc. stuff!! Ok no more excuses ;) I have blogs lined up around the corner!

I had to share my newest find and obsession with you guys IMMEDIATELY! haha I'm telling you, it was love at first sight.

Jeffrey Campbell Woven Lita Boot

Whilst browsing the UrbanOutfitters site I stumbled upon these beauties! I have lusted after the regular Jeffrey Campbell Lita's for ages. The woven detail on these new Lita's sold me in literally half of a second =)

In my cart as we speak!

What do you think of them?? I'll admit they aren't for everybody, but I can't get enough of them!



  1. Any litas are to my liking! :)

  2. omg these may not be for everybody, but they are certainly for me!! I think I have to go get some - right. now.!! Thanks for sharing :)

    I just became your newest follower! I would love for you to visit the blog I just started with my sister and follow us back if you'd like!

    Also, check out the giveaway we are doing right now for a Tiffany & Co. necklace!




I always love reading your comments!!