Thursday, June 28, 2012

What I've been up to... Wedding Pics!!

I have been a terrible blogger the last couple months, I know. But a lot has been happening! For the last month I have been in Michigan preparing for and having my wedding =) I don't have all of the pictures back but I wanted to share some of that day with my blogger famliy <3

Me with the girls before the wedding.
WARNING: Tons of pics! haha

My new hubs!

Wedding party after the ceremony.

Yep, I wore flip-flops. The price you pay for not having a tall significant other.. =)

Jump!! haha I love when people do this picture!

We snuck out after dinner and did a few shots just the two of us, it was a nice little break from guests!

Cake!! (and trying hard not to let any fall on my dress! haha)

Geez I could post pictures for days! lol We had a blast at the wedding. Even though planning got a bit stressful, I think in the end it was worth all of the time and money it took to put on :)

Below are some snaps of details on my dress, because I know you can't see it very well in pictures above. 

Bodice detail. I'm not sure what this style is called but it's a Maggie Sotterro gown. She has some gorgeous dresses in lots of different styles!

This is when I tried the dress on in the shop. I didn't end up wearing a veil because it just seemed too fussy. It ended up being so windy on the day I was glad I had decided not to!

Okay, I swear I'm done posting pictures! ;) So what have you guys been up to the last couple months??



  1. Aawww congratulations hun! You looked absolutely breathtaking, and the both of you look so happy! <3

  2. Omg, you look like a princess! SO gorgeous! You guys are such a cute couple ;) I love your dress and sparkly headband.. and I love how the brides maids all wore different colors. Love, love, love! Congrats girl! ♥

    1. Aww thanks! One thing I knew right away was I wanted the bridesmaids to wear different colors, especially because I only had 3.. it also meant the girls could do different styles if they wanted and get better deals on their dresses :)
      I'm glad you like it all too!!

  3. Btw, the 'jumping' pic is my favorite, how cute!

    1. You should see the "blooper" pics we got from trying to get that shot.. I need to make a collection of terrible pictures/faces! haha

  4. Your dress is gorgeous and I love the pic of everyone jumping


    1. Thanks!! I was unsure about the dress when I ordered it (it wasn't the one I originally wanted going into it), and stressed out about it for months! But I really like it now and seeing the pictures I think it was the perfect choice =)
      P.S. I love your dress as well! That satin material looks amazing in pictures.

  5. your pics are so cute!! and you looked so beautiful!!! congrats!! and hope you guys have a lifetime of happiness!!!

    1. Thank you so much!! I hope we can be half as happy everyday as we were on that day =)

  6. You looked so pretty! I love the jumping photo! :)

  7. Oh my goodness, you look absolutely stunning. CONGRATULATIONS! The day looks perfect. <3 Amber

    1. =) Thanks Amber!! It was an awesome day.. the wind did a number on my hair by the end of pictures though! But I couldn't have asked for more.


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