Sunday, May 29, 2011

'Blogger Award & Share the Love!!'

I was recently awarded "The Stylish Blogger Award" by the lovely Rebecca Kirsch of We Own the Sky. Yay my first award! Thanks Rebecca!!

With this award you have to: name 7 facts about yourself, and pass along the award to 7 more blogs.

7 Facts About Me!

1) I LOVE reading... some of my favorite authors are: Janet Evanovich, Elizabeth Lowell, Nora Roberts & J.D. Robb.... I could go on and on =)
2) I spend waaaaay too much time watching youtube videos! (I could watch JuicyTuesday and TheCurrentBoobies all day long and not get bored haha)
3) My chest is too big for the rest of me, meaning I tend to get frustrated when shopping for tops.. and I can't wear swimsuit tops from hardly anywhere except VictoriasSecret. :(
4) I have my Esthetician license. Esthetics consists of: skincare, facials, body wraps, waxing, makeup, etc.
5) I love cereal!!! Right now I'm on a Rasin Bran Crunch kick.
6) The first thing I do when I get home from anywhere is put on my pajamas! I basically live in my pjs.
7) Sometimes I wish I was more exotic looking... dark hair, big almond shaped eyes, olive skin that tans super easy, etc... Sometimes I feel like my "look" is a dime a dozen.

Ok, now to passing on the award!! Since I am about to hit 100 followers (holy crap!) I wanted to pass on the award to blogs that I love who are just starting out or just don't have many followers, but totally deserve more!!

Karris of Karrisx
Mary of murrskeez

Thank you again Rebecca for passing the award along to me =) I hope you all check out the ladies listed above, and share the love on your blog too!



  1. You're welcome! Congrats on almost reaching 100 followers!
    I love cereal too. When ever I'm hungry and want a snack, I eat cereal.


  2. aww thank you!! I really appreciate it :)

    and Im exactly the same way with my pajamas haha!! I'll come home, take my contacts out, and get in my pj's!

  3. Wow Bethany thank you so very much!! :) It's my first award too!! You've really made my day!! :)

    Congratulations on winning this award (your blog is great and you deserve it!!)...and on the 100 follower milestone too!

    Thanks again hun! xx

    P.S I've just got home and am about to get into my PJs Haha!

  4. Congrats! Your blog is so cute, loving the design :)

  5. Aww, Thanks for the award hun! I am the same with Number 2. I'm constantly watching youtube videos about fashion and makeup :)

  6. Thanks so much! I was the same as you with number 2 but now that has changed and its blogger I am always on!

    Congrats on the followers! You desearve it, you have a wonderful blog!!

  7. thanks so much..congrats on ur followers!xx


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